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Srinivasa Reddy is a person with unique qualities. In over 13 years of experience, Srini has advised several organizations and served in executive positions. Over the past 5 years, he has focused on cannabis and commercially valuable herbs and medicinal plants.

His expertise includes optimizing the controlled environment, plant pre- and post- harvesting technologies, molecular biology, and plant tissue culture. His research and development collaborations around the globe involve topics related to Cannabis, and its conjugate molecules, formulations, and end product development. He was also involved in the metagenomics of microbial communities in cannabis. He has an extensive understanding of the importance of plant-based molecules (biomolecules) in protecting humans from several chronic and pandemic diseases.

His graduate studies include masters in Biotechnology from India, plant nutrient and metabolic engineering and molecular biology from South Korea (PhD), graduate studies in Cancer research from UdM, Canada, and graduate studies in controlled environmental agriculture (PhD.) McGill University, Canada. 

For the past 1.5 years, Srini has worked with Leaf Cross Biomedical Inc., a company with great vision in science, research and development of cannabis. Prior to joining Leaf Cross he served as a senior executive in several companies including Phytoteq Inc. and Agrolume Inc.

His experience with medicinal plants started when he was 12 years old, and he has continued his effort to understand the values of medicinal plants and their use for mankind. 

His knowledge and experience contributed to several micro greens, cannabis, and medicinal plant business around the globe. His present and future projects will be definitely unique, and highly competitive in the field of horticulture, controlled environment, and ethnopharmacology.